Clinical movement analysis for patients and athletes

The laboratory for gait and movement analysis is a clinically oriented laboratory. In addition to clinical services, research focuses on lower limb deformities (frontal axis, rotation disorders), orthotic fitting of the lower limb, forearm prosthetics, muscle transfers and their effects, and load analyses on the foot (pressure distribution measurements). In addition, commercial running and cycling analyses are offered.

Mainly patients with orthopaedic-related gait disorders, patients with infantile cerebral palsy and athletes.

Equipment Used

Vantage is Vicon’s flagship range of cameras. The sensors have resolutions of 5, 8 and 16 megapixels, with sample rates up to 2000Hz – this allows you to capture fast movements with very high accuracy. The cameras also have built-in temperature and bump sensors, as well as a clear display, to warn you if cameras have moved physically or due to thermal expansion. High-powered LEDs and sunlight filters mean that the Vantage is also the best choice for outdoor use and large volumes.

The Cometa Pico (EMG) sensors are small, light-weight and have on-board storage to allow measurements in the field. Easy to attach and easy to charge, the long battery life, the high signal-to-noise ratio and the wireless range are other features that make the aktos the best EMG system on the market today.

The Optima is the flagship among force plates. The patented calibration technology guarantees the highest possible accuracy across the entire surface of the plate – ideal for gait analysis, biomechanical research and other applications where the highest quality data is essential.

Special project Speising

By means of a special database solution (FUSION), all the analyses and findings of a patient at the Speising Orthopaedic Hospital are linked with each other and can be viewed in a short time and at a glance by the various specialists in charge at the hospital. This facilitates and ensures the standard integration of movement analyses into the clinical decision-making process.

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