Main areas of work at the FH Campus Wien

Physiotherapy works on the movement of the person. It focuses on the ability to move, all the systems that influence it and the interaction of sensory and motor functions. As an important component of the health care system, physiotherapy encompasses practically all medical disciplines and is oriented towards the medical sciences.

Our patients are healthy people of all ages, people with degenerative symptoms in the knee, hip and lumbar spine as well as patients with orthopaedic/traumatological asymmetric movement patterns.

At our institute we are specialists in the following areas:

  • Fall prevention
  • Dual and multitasking in everyday life, work and sport
  • Smart systems for diagnosis and therapy
  • Human-machine collaboration

FH Campus Wien is now the largest university of applied sciences in Austria. As our highlight, we have a movement laboratory that is also used for research. Equipped with force plates and optoelectronic cameras, it enables a three-dimensional analysis of human movements and a better understanding of functional deficits in everyday movements. Muscle activity is also measured via wireless electrodes that are attached to the body. Great potential lies in research projects at the interface of health, technology and social issues.

Recommended Products

GRAIL stands for Gait Realtime Analysis Interactive Lab. It is an interactive gait lab with integrated virtual environment, motion capture, strength measurement and various training apps.

The compact Vero cameras are available in 2.2 MP and 1.3 MP versions. Thanks to the vario lens and sensor in 2:1 format (Vero 2.2), these cameras are very versatile and can be flexibly adapted to different shooting volumes/spaces at any time. Einzigartig ist auch das Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis der Vero-Serie.

The Cometa picoEMG system convinces with its simple handling, the compact design, the long battery life and the optional on-board memory. These features make the system flexible for use in the laboratory or in the field.

GRAIL – Virtual Reality Lab

A multiprofessional team from the Departments of Health Sciences and Technology departments. In this way, the processing of questions can be conceptualised, processed and analysed in depth with expertise from therapeutic, technical and diagnostic disciplines.

It is essential for us in teaching and research, that our infrastructure is optimally coordinated and available almost continuously. Through the cooperation with prophysics, this could and can be optimally guaranteed: sustainable joint planning, cooperative and reliable implementation of device implementations and, above all, competent and reliable support in case of problems.

Extremely important for us are synchronisation solutions beyond of standard systems. In particular, the quality of the signal transmission is of great importance. After discussing the problem, the prophysics staff were able to provide us with perfect solutions. A special project was the planning and installation of our GRAIL system, for which the joint knowledge of us and the prophysics team was essential for the installation of the system.

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